Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Moldau By Smetana Essays - Symphonic Poems, M Vlast, Bedich Smetana
Moldau By Smetana Writer: Bedrich Smetana Work Title: The Moldau. For my first choice of music for this last undertaking I picked The Moldau by Bedrich Smetana. The reason I picked this piece was first, it is a musical sonnet and second, on the grounds that it consummately exemplified the utilization of patriot style and word painting. The Moldau is a musical sonnet speaking to Nationalist pride for Smetana's nation. It is the second of six musical sonnets from the symphonic piece My Nation. A musical sonnet is a one-development symphonic structure that, in this case, recommends a scene. It was composed over a five-year length that secured the upheaval contrary to Austrian principle. The Moldau is an ideal case of a patriot tune, which is a tune of society pride for one's nation. The piece The Moldau speaks to scenes along the waterway Moldau in Bohemia. It is here that we see the utilization of word painting, music communicated just as it were a painting to be seen. It starts as a couple of streams in the backwoods streaming into the compelling stream, painted with a woodwind and a few clarinets and prompting violins. The excursion takes us during a time in the woods where we see chasing, laborers moving at a wedding, sprites in the twilight, the St. John's Rapids, the Antiquated Castle and back to the River subject as the waterway withers away. It is genuinely a charming piece.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Journal on Ch4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Diary on Ch4 - Essay Example I will in general accept that the module of request based guidance additionally empowers instructors to make the learning (of science for the most part) simple, not just passing on it. It is on the grounds that the students are empowered to endure obligation regarding their insight and comprehension of what they study and develop. I unequivocally concur with the data gave in the section, that it is hard to lead the examination of these investigations. The facts demonstrate that the varieties in the terms used to characterize the instructional techniques (BSC 2006). I don’t think other contemporary instructional procedures are better than request based methodologies except if they are assessed entirely. The evaluation of prevalence among different instructional procedures ought to be founded on the adequacy of the factors in question and the degree of intrigue the investigation mode summons. The examination ought to likewise include the sentiments of achievement and the degree of energy each instructional strategy stirs. In additionally have the conviction that request based guidance method can contribute altogether to the viability of my instructing. It is for the straightforward truth that the procedure connects with both the instructor and the students in the learning action and to manage duty regarding making their insight and comprehension (BSC 2006). Despite the fact that the request levels may shift, students can organize proof, make clarifications, assess their portrayals, and legitimize their proposed depictions. As an educator, the technique is, in this way, accommodating in encouraging my instructing
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Reliving the good ol days
Reliving the good ol’ days Now everyone raise your hands if you used to watch Saturday morning cartoons. This week, I had the opportunity to relive some of the good ol days of my childhood all in ways related to MIT. Exhibit A: TOMB presented by 5-WITS Childhood Reference: Legends of the Hidden Temple, Blue Barracudas anyone? So I got to go to Tomb last Friday for a friends birthday, and I honestly had not had that much fun in a very long time. 5-WITS is the brainchild of a MIT course 2 alumnus, and its basically an interactive puzzle adventure that you do in teams where you go from room to room solving puzzles to return the pharoah to his tomb. Not quite as challenging as MIT Mystery Hunt, but it was a lot of fun nonetheless. Exhibit B: Hip-Pop in French: Contemporary Theater, Film, Dance, Comics and Graphic Arts presents: Comic strips of Belgium or the big success of a small country Bet you didnt know that Hanna Barbera was not actually responsible for the first appearance of Smurfs. The Foreign Languages and Literature department presented this talk this week: Comic strips of Belgium or the big success of a small country La bande dessinee belge ou ce qui fait la grandeur dun petit pays Willem De Graeve Deputy Director, Belgian Comic Strip Centre Directeur Adjoint, Centre Belge de la Bande Dessinv ©e Date: Thursday, November 2, 2006 Time: 7:00 PM Location: 32-155 Talk is in English. Belgium is the country with the highest concentration of comic strip artists per square kilometer in the world. As much as Belgian beer and Belgian chocolate, comics represent a great source of pride for this small country! Willem De Graeve will discuss the history of Belgian comics, from Hergv © to Franquin, Morris, Peyo and Vandersteen, reasons for their success as well as their importance in Belgium today. I used to watch Smurfs as a child; I even had the video game on Atari. OK, I think Im dating myself. Since my mom and grandparents were big proponents of education as a child, saturday morning cartoons were actually a learning experience; while everyone else was watching Wolverine beat up on Magneto, I had to write new vocabulary words that I learned from every episode, but I guess it helped me on my GREs. On to another topic, this week was also Halloween and appropriately, we celebrated. My fraternity put on a haunted house for the kids of our local neighborhood. While I did take a lot of pictures from the event, there is one that I think above all takes the cake. This is quite possibly the best halloween costumeEVER. And this is quite possibly the best advertisement ever: Trick or Treat!
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Nietzsche s Iliad As A Demonstration Of A Single Nature...
Nietzsche interprets Iliad as a demonstration of a single nature of â€Å"power†among the Greeks that leads to the brutal war. Simone Weil disagrees with Nietzsche and believes Iliad to be a representation of two forces, â€Å"might†and courtesy, which she calls â€Å"gravity†and â€Å"grace†(Simone Weil Handout, passage # 2, pg 2). Nietzsche considers only one perspective of the Iliad, the cruelty of â€Å"power,†in contrast, Weil examines both the good and the brutality shown in Homer’s epic. Weil thinks of Homer’s epic to be exhibiting the misery of the war, along with some sparks of â€Å"grace†(IC 48). Overall, Nietzsche thinks of Homer’s Iliad only to be a celebration of competition derived by the â€Å"will to power,†whereas Weil considers Iliad as not just a representation of the rule by â€Å"might,†but also showing moments of courtesy through the savagery of war (NR 355). Nietzsche argues that Iliad is all about the constant battle of strife driven by the â€Å"will to power†in life. As he says â€Å" simply is the will to power†(NR 355). Here, Nietzsche is saying that everyone in Iliad takes action in order to gain honor and â€Å"power.†For example, when Agamemnon returns his prize Chryseis, he says Achilles to give him his prize, Briseis because it would be a dishonor for him to be without a prize (SHI 5). This starts a conflict between the two, as Achilles says that it’s better for him to return home, than being â€Å"unhonored†by giving up his prize (SHI 6). Nietzsche further mentions that â€Å"Where I
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Einsteins Theory of Relativity Essay - 3227 Words
Motion and time are fundamental components of life. Finding himself late to work, an employee will drive faster, which in turn, will reduce the time needed to commute to his job. The rules of motion and time are known intrinsically to every person on the planet. As children, these â€Å"Laws†become common sense. No explanation is needed when a sleeping student falls out of his desk onto the floor. Motion and time were always considered to be self-explanatory and obvious parts of everyday life. This was true until a group of scientists who deemed themselves â€Å"Physicists†began challenging the known rules of motion and explaining them using mathematics and experimentation. Isaac Newton was one of these founding fathers of†¦show more content†¦Einstein was born March 14, 1879 to Jewish parents living in Ulm Germany. His father was a feather bed salesman and his mother was an heiress to a fortune from her father’s side. He was a shy child who disliked authority and the acceptance of conventional ideas. His rejection of the widely accepted is most likely what drove him to peer into the physical world that so many had overlooked. His first observation of a magnetic compass which was given to him by his father spurred his curiosity in the physical sciences and its mysterious forces. He began studying math at age 12 and quickly found himself absorbed in study. He began studying Euclidean Plane Geometry and taught himself Calculus. He applied for admission to the Zurich Polytechnic Institute in Switzerland in 1984 which involved taking a tough entrance exam (Wikipedia, Albert Einstein 1). Though failing the French, chemistry and biology portion, he did so well on the math and physics portions that he convinced the principle of the school to admit him the following year at the age of 16 (Kaku 40). He met his love, Mileva Mirac, and graduated from the university. Upon graduation, Einstein could not find work as an instructor because he had irritated many staff members with his disregard for authority. He began work at the Swiss Patent Office in 1902, where he had time to ponderShow MoreRelatedEinstein’s Theory of General Relativity800 Words  | 4 PagesEinstein’s Theory of General Relativity originally came to him in 1907 while he was sitting in a chair in the patent office in Bern. Lost in thought, he began wondering what it would be like to drop a ball while falling off the side of a building (James Overdunn, Stanford Edu) Granting all this, he realized that the person who was falling would not be able to detect the effect of gravity on the ball whereas an observer could. Hence, he figured out the principle of Equivalence, that gravity pullingRead MoreEssay on Albert Einsteins Theory of Special Relativity2008 Words  | 9 PagesAlbert Einsteins Theory of Special Relativity The theory of Special Relativity, written by Albert Einstein in 1905, describes the laws of motion at velocities close to and at the speed of light. It was written to make the laws of motion consistent with the laws of electromagnetism. Special relativity makes two postulates: the laws of physics are the same for all non-accelerating observers and the speed of light in a vacuum is constant, regardless of motion. One of the consequences of theseRead MoreAlbert Einstein’s vs. Newton: General Theory of Relativity2210 Words  | 9 PagesAlbert Einstein’s vs. Newton: General Theory of Relativity Albert Einstein, most famously known as a physicist, was a contributor to the scientific world with his many known researches and humanitarian work. As a Nobel Prize Winner in 1921, his chronicled and more important works include Special Theory of Relativity (1905), Relativity (English Translation, 1920 and 1950), General Theory of Relativity (1916), Investigations on Theory of Brownian Movement (1926), and The EvolutionRead MoreAlbert Einstein ´s Discoveries, Theories and Contributions to the World1186 Words  | 5 Pagesbeen instrumental in in science and technology innovations in the last century. He also created his Special Theory of Relativity and besides the derivation of E=mc2, is also famous for his work with General Relativity. However, in his journey to E=mc2, he created other astounding scientific breakthroughs that changed the way we think, from relativity to atoms and molecules. In 1905, Einstein’s career â€Å"exploded†with his publication of what many call the Annus Mirabilis (or Miracle Year) papers. TheseRead MoreAlbert Einstein: The General Theory of Relativity Essay660 Words  | 3 Pagesheroic; therefore, Albert Einstein is heroic in numerous ways. Throughout Albert Einstein’s lifetime he accomplished many amazing things that have an effect on people today. For example, in 1905, â€Å"often called as Einstein’s â€Å"miracle year†, he published four papers in the Annalen der Physik, each of which would alter the course of modern physics†(Michio,Kaku 13). Throughout Einstein’s four books, he â€Å"applied the quantum theory to light in order to explain the photoelectric effect, offered the first experimentalRead MoreEssay on Albert Einstein985 Words  | 4 Pagescomplications with a misshapen head during child birth, he grew normally. However it was commented by Albert Einsteins relatives that he was a little slow. Einsteins lack of intelligent was shown by his late age of learning how to speak. His first formal education (besides the private education he received before school) was at a Catholic school in Munich . This institution was short-lived because of Einsteins taste and disagreem ents with the professor. He left the school and Ulm Germans and moved to MilanRead MoreThe Nature And Process Of Science1542 Words  | 7 Pagesthe Specific Theory of Relativity. The nature and process of science are a collection of things, ideas, and guidelines. â€Å"The purpose of science is to learn about and understand our universe more completely†(Science works in specific ways, 3). Science works with evidence from our world. If it doesn’t come from the natural world, it isn’t science. You need to be creative and have flexible thoughts and ideas if you want to be a scientist. Science always brings up new ideas and theories and if you aren’tRead MoreThe Physics Of Albert Einstein1284 Words  | 6 Pagesschool may not go anywhere in life. Einstein won a Nobel Prize in Physics, a Gold Medal of The Royal Astronomical Society, and many other awards. Even if Einstein never even finished high school, his creation of the equation E = mc2, theory of relativity, and theory of light led the way to him becoming known as the father of modern physics. Albert Einstein was Born in Ulm, Wà ¼rttemberg, Germany in 1879. He was the son of Hermann Einstein, a salesman and engineer who was the head of ElektrotechnischeRead MoreThe Possibility of Time Travel, and its Components.917 Words  | 4 Pagesbut that is not completely true when it comes to Einsteins Special relativity. The Gale Encyclopedia of Science of Special theory of Relativity states that, â€Å"Einstein’s Special relativity states the way in which an observers experience of time and space is interrelated†(VAN TILL, Howard: Relativity, Special Theory of). This means that an observer’s experience of time and space is connected in different ways. In broader terms Special relativity talks about motion in time and space. People who areRead MoreThe Observations Of Albert Einstein s Theory Of Relativity1161 Words  | 5 PagesThe most recent confirmation of Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity was the detection of gravitational waves. This di scovery revolutionised our understanding of science and the universe. It has also unlocked the potential for future scientific endeavours especially in the field of gravitational wave astronomy. Spacetime is the union of the three spatial dimensions and the one time dimension into a continuum1. According to general relativity, gravity is the curvature of this spacetime due to the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Romeo and Juliet, and War Poetry Comparison Paper Free Essays
How well does Baz Lurhmann’s adaptation if the script show the theme of conflict? I think Baz Lurhmann’s adaptation of Romeo and Juliet strongly shows the theme of conflict throughout the entire film, in which it is retold for the modern viewers. Baz Lurhmann shows at the start of the film two sky high building with ‘Montague’ and ‘Capulet’ in bold lettering at the top, this shows how the two families have a lot of rivalry, such as in the business world of today’s society which a lot of people can relate to also the fact they are both nearly at a war about something nobody knows anything about ‘Ancient grudge‘, I think this is the base point of the build up of conflict in the film. Lurhmann also used quite modern weapons such as guns and drugs which I think is easier for people to understand, as it is up to date which world today. We will write a custom essay sample on Romeo and Juliet, and War Poetry Comparison Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now In nearly every shot in the film there is a gun which shows the amount of tension and rivalry between everyone and how this leads into the conflicts. Also Lurhmann choose to represent the different houses in the form of gangs which a lot of people now days can understand in a sense which there is always a lot of conflict to protect yourself and your family name. I think Lurhmann has achieved exactly this in Act 1 Scene 1. The conflict shown in this scene is incredible in a way in which it is brought up how something very small can lead into something big and cause a lot of damage and disruption. How to cite Romeo and Juliet, and War Poetry Comparison Paper, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Tourism Business Strategy-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignment
Questions: 1.How competitive is your country across the 14 pillars in the TTCI report compared to country 2. 2.Expand your research on country 1 and review the Current National approach to tourism. Answer - where is it now? What are its 3 strategic priorities? What are the main internal and external challenges facing its tourism industry? 3.Using your knowledge from Q1 Q2 make 3 Major Strategic recommendations for improving competitiveness in country 1. Justify your answers explore the what, why, where, how, when, who etc. Answers: Introduction As a tourism consultant commissioned by the Spanish Governments Minister of tourism, this report is prepared by me to study the competitiveness of the tourism industry in Spain and to highlight areas in the tourism sector that require improvement. This report will enable the Spanish Government Ministers of Tourism to understand the areas where the government is doing excellent to boost tourism. However, there are certain areas in the travel and tourism sectors in Spain that requires improvement. The analysis of the present strategies undertaken by the Spanish government to boost tourism and recommendations of strategies for future will facilitate the Spanish government to allocate resources judiciously in the tourism sector in the next decade. Spain secured the top rank in the global Travel and Tourism Competitive Index. The natural and cultural resources of Spain, the excellent infrastructure and connectivity by air transport are some of the factors that enabled the country to secur e the first position in the Travel and Tourism Competitive Index published by the World Economic Forum. Italy secured 8th position in the Travel and Tourism Competitive Index(, 2017).The tourism sector in Italy witnessed a substantial growth of international tourists. The international arrivals in Italy surpassed 50 million in the year 2015. In this report, Spain is compared with Italy to understand the competiveness of the travel and tourism sector in Spain. The report also provides insights about national policies of the Spanish government to boost tourism and the internal and external threats faced by the Spanish tourism sector. Research Methodology Secondary research is used to prepare this report. The sources that already exist like the Travel and Tourism Competitive Index of 2017 published by the World Economic Forum has been used to retrieve data required for analysis of the competitiveness of the tourism sector in Spain. The report published by the World Economic forum provides a detailed analysis about the competitiveness of the travel and tourism sector of 136 economies. So this report helped in analyzing the 14 pillars of the travel and tourism competitive index of Spain and Italy. Other secondary sources like the tourism government site of Spain, news articles of the Guardian and Telegraph, books, journals available both on-line and off-line, class notes, social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, Youtube are used to obtain data and conduct an in-depth research. It was difficult to obtain information about the exact figures related to tourism budget and marketing budget of Spanish government. 1.Comparisons of Spain and Italy The travel and tourism competitiveness index of the year 2017 has 14 pillars. A comparison of Spain and Italy against these 14 pillars is done. Enabling Environment Business Environment 2007- The Spanish economy and business environment slowed down in the year 2007. In the second quarter of 2008, the Spanish economy witnessed a recession. The budget deficit of the Spanish government was 11.2% in the year 2010. The slow economic growth and budget deficit of Spain adversely affected the business environment and foreign investors were reluctant to invest in Spanish economy. But the Spanish government has made substantial efforts to make the business environment flexible(Baum, 2016). The construction permit in Spain has witnessed red tape and the labor market in the country is rigid. The travel and tourism sector contributes 10-11 % to the Spanish economy and in the year 2016, 75.3 million tourists visited Spain. For four consecutive years, Spain secured the 3rd place in terms of most visited country across the globe. Italy has secured the 3rd place in terms of economy in Euro-zone. The business sector in Italy is dominated by service sector and man ufacturing industries with a prevalence of small and medium sized enterprises. However public debt has increased in Italy which has made the country vulnerable for ease of doing business. The tourism sector in Italy has generated 189.1 billion euro and 48.6 million tourists visited the country in 2014. Italy has secured the 4th place in terms of most visited country across the globe. Spain and Italy scored 4.4 and 3.9 in this pillar respectively(, 2017). Safety and Security 2008Spain provides a safe environment to travelers and tourists. However, there is minor crime in the country like theft and pickpocket occurs in places which are crowded by tourists(Holden, 2016). The Southern part of Italy which includes cities like Naples has witnessed a higher crime rate by tourists than the northern part of Italy(Sharpley, 2015). Pickpockets are conducted by groups which are locally organized and these groups attack multiple people simultaneously. Spain and Italy have scored 6.2 and 5.4 in this pillar respectively(, 2017). Health and Hygiene- The Spanish government ensures to control pollution, the food distribution system is under strict monitoring and control so that perishable food is not distributed to the hotels, markets and restaurants visited by tourists and locals (Medlik, 2016)The government intervenes to ensure the front-line employees of the service sector of tourism industry are in good health and do not pose any risk to health of tourists. The Italian society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health restores health and hygiene in the country. Spain and Italy have scored 6.3 and 6.2 in this pillar respectively(, 2017). Human Resource and Labor Market The unemployment rate in Spain in 2015 was 22.1 %. However it can be predicted that the unemployment rate will be reduced to 17.8 % in 2017 and 430,000 new jobs will be created. The labor market in Italy has deteriorated recently and unemployment rate was 11% in 2012, youth unemployment rate was 35%. Spain and Italy have scored 4.9 and 4.6 in this pillar respectively(, 2017). ICT Readiness- The position of Spain in terms of ICT readiness is weak. However, the government has tried to upgrade and implemented modern technology across all sectors of industry especially retain and service sector which boosts tourism. The information and communication technologies of Italy has substantially improved in the year 2016, though implemented of ICT has shown variation across different sectors of industry. Spain and Italy have scored 5.5 and 5.4 in this pillar respectively(, 2017). TT policy and enabling conditions- Prioritization of Travel and Tourism- The government of Spain has prioritized travel and tourism sector and the country has large number of business travelers. The art and culture, infrastructure, music and festivals and promotional activities of government attract tourists in Italy. Spain and Italy score 5.9 and 4.5 respectively in terms of prioritization of travel and tourism(, 2017) International Openness-Spain is a tourist friendly destination and the harmony exists in the country between the host community and tourists. Spain and Italy score 3.9 and 4.1 respectively in terms of International openness(, 2017). Price Competitiveness- Spain has witnessed an increase in price competitiveness against rest countries of Euro-zone and other OECD countries. Italys rank is lower than Spain in terms of price competitiveness. Spain scores 4.5 and Italy 3.9 in this pillar(, 2017). Environmental Sustainability- Both Spain and Italy promotes environmental sustainability by ensuring access to clean and affordable energy. Both countries made effort to ensure that there is low pollution level and tourists dont pose threats to culture and heritage of local community. Spain and Italy scores almost the same, 4.6 and 4.5 in this pillar(, 2017). Infrastructure Air Transport Infrastructure-There is presence of 49 airports in Spain and there are approximately 250 airlines which makes travelling easier among main Spanish cities. There is presence of large number of medium sized airports in Spain. Spain and Italy score 5.0 and 4.4 in this pillar respectively(, 2017). Ground and Port Infrastructure-The Spanish ports of Valencia, Bilbao and Barcelona are connected well to the port of Madrid. Along the Mediterranean Sea, Italy is a popular cruise destination(AlSayyad, 2013). The cities of both Italy and Spain are connected by roads, railways and public transport. Spain and Italy score 5.2 and 4.7 in this pillar respectively(, 2017). Tourist Service Infrastructure-Spain has good infrastructure and the service industry is developed in Spain with large number of restaurants and an active nightlife. The World Heritage sites and monuments and service industries in Italy attract tourists. Spain and Italy score 6.7 and 6.0 in this pillar respectively(, 2017). Natural and Cultural Resources Natural Resources- The natural resources of Spain are coal, lignite, iron ore and arable lands in the country produces cotton, cereal grains, legumes. The wildlife, rocky islands, natural parks of Spain and Italy attract tourists. Italy had crude and oil reserves and natural gas. Spain and Italy have scored 4.9 and 4.8 in this pillar respectively(, 2017). Cultural Resources and Business Travel- Both Italy and Spain have Mediterranean culture with passion for living, parties and food. However, Spain has higher rate of migration than Italy and thus the country experiences a mixed culture. Spain and Italy have substantial opportunities for business travel. Italy has opportunity in the luxury goods segment in the industry. Spain and Italy have scored 6.9 and 6.5 in this pillar respectively(, 2017). 2.National approach of Spain in context of tourism The government of Spain invests in the construction of new hotels, restaurants and cafes and invests money to upgrade the service sector and retail industry of the country(Morrison, 2013). The Spanish government also invests in promotion and marketing of tourism sector. The nation hosts festivals and sports and invest to build infrastructure like connectivity by roads and rails and implements security to promote tourism(Perles Ribes, 2013). External and Internal challenges faced by Tourism industry in Spain- The external challenges faced by tourism in Spain are attack The external challenges faced by tourism industry in Spain- The tourism industry in Spain is subjected to external challenges, for instance, the recent terror attack in Barcelona and Cambrils. Terrorism poses threat to tourists(, 2017).Tourists in Spain stay for shorter period of time and opts for alternative type of cheap rentals like Airbnp. The internal challenges faced by tourism sector in Spain are political unrest and economic depression(Holden, 2016) The Strategic Priorities of Spain Spain has shifted from the sun and beach model because Barcelona and Balearic Islands of Spain have reached saturation point from tourists of Western countries(Semeoshenkova, 2015). Spain has adopted the strategy to attract more Asian tourists who prefer to shop and enjoy the service industry like restaurants and nightlife(Hall, 2014) Competitiveness of Strategy For instance, the service industry in Spain generated 862,000 jobs in 2016. The tourism sector is estimated to generate jobs which will be 4.7 % of total employment in 2017(Cazcarro, 2014). The government of Spain has promoted business travel by internationalization of Spanish companies. Competitiveness of Strategy Business travelers have spent 20.78 billion U.S. dollar in Spain in 2016(Maitland, 2014). he government of Spain spends to build infrastructure and connectivity by roads, air and rail, protects the UNESCO World Heritage sites and promotes sustainable tourism where the host community and tourists co-exist in harmony(Tribe, 2015). Competitiveness of Strategy Travel and tourism contributed EUR 57.1 billion to the Spanish GDP in 2016. The contribution of Tourism industry is expected to grow at the rate of 2 % per annum by 2027 in Spain(, 2017). Recommendations Spain has been able to secure the 1st place in the Travel and Tourism Index published by the World Economic Forum. The fiscal policy of Spain has been eased and the tourists in the Middle-East countries faced security issues due to which Spain witnessed a wide group of diverted tourists from these countries. The natural resources, culture, good infrastructure and connectivity across major tourist spots of Spain have boosted the growth of tourism sector in Spain. However, it is not easy to retain the top position in the Travel and Tourism competitive index published by the World Economic Forum. The tourism sector is Spain has reached a mature stage and has reached the level of saturation. The ground transportation of Spain is ranked among the top 15 economies and provides good connectivity among popular tourist sports; however the ground transportation system requires modernization. It is recommended that the Spanish government should implement modern technology and upgrade its ground transportation system to boost tourism. The service sector also requires improvement and the hotels, retail sector, night clubs, restaurants and cafes should be modernized in terms of technology to boost tourism in Spain. The tourists especially from Asia are interested in the shopping centers and nightlife of Spain. These tourists generate remarkable revenue and create employment in the service The business environment of Spain also requires improvement. It is difficult to obtain construction permit in Spain. It is recommended that the country should adopt ease of doing business to boost the service economy and increase number of business travelers. From a survey of Barcelona council, it has been found that locals consider tourism as a problem. It is recommended that the Spanish government should improve its index of international openness. The government should adopt approaches to improve collaboration and communication among host community and tourists so that the host community does not perceive tourists as a threat to their culture and environment. Also, it should be ensured by the Spanish government that the tourists do not harm the environment, ecological balance and culture of the host community. It is recommended that the Spanish government should adopt strict surveillance and security measures to protect tourists from attacks by terror groups. The recent terror attacks in Spain are an eminent threat to the tourism sector of the country. The Spanish government should combat terrorism and take help of the intelligence agency of the country to protect tourists and locals from the threat of terror attacks. It is recommended that the Spanish government should adopt a model of sustainable tourism to ensure that the tourists of the country do not harm the ecology and cause an increase in the pollution level of the country. The tourism sector in Spain has reached the optimum level of carrying capacity which can endanger the local community of Spain. Thus the Spanish government should take measures to protect its environment from the threat of pollution and the imbalance of ecological system Conclusion It can be concluded that the Spanish government has undertaken substantial initiatives to boost tourism. The development of infrastructure, natural resources of Spain, the culture of the country and support from host community are some of the factors that helped Spain to secure the top position in the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness report published by the World Economic Forum in the year 2017. While comparing Spain with Italy to analyze the competitiveness of the tourism industry in both countries, it has been found though Italy secures 8th rank, both the countries score nearly same in many of the 14 pillars of the Travel and Tourism competitive report. Though the business environment and labor market of both countries have experienced downturn, however other factors like sound infrastructure boosted tourism in both countries. The Spanish government has undertaken strategies like promoting business travel, attracting Asian tourism who contribute substantially to revenue generatio n in service sector and invested huge amount of money to develop infrastructure and boost tourism, still the Spanish tourism sector faces many challenges like terrorist attack, political unrest, economic depression, lower revenue generation from tourists due to availability of cheaper transport and accommodation. Also the popular tourist spots in Spain especially the exotic beaches are saturated by tourists which pose threat to the ecology and environment of these places. So these are the areas that require attention and the Spanish government needs to adopt strategies to address the challenges faced by the tourism sector to maintain its position in the Travel and Tourism Competitive Index published by the World Economic Forum. Reference Lists AlSayyad, N. (2013). Consuming tradition, manufacturing heritage: global norms and urban forms in the age of tourism . Routledge. Baum, T. E. (2016). Human resource issues in international tourism. Elsevier. Cazcarro, I. H. (2014). The water footprint of tourism in Spain. Tourism Management , 40, 90-101. Hall, C. M. (2014). The geography of tourism and recreation: Environment, place and space. Routledge. Holden, A. (2016). Environment and tourism. Routledge. (2017). News terror attack in Spain. Retrieved from Maitland, R. . (2014). World tourism cities: Developing tourism off the beaten track. Routledge. Medlik, S. (. (2016). Managing tourism. . Elsevier. Morrison, A. M. (2013). Marketing and managing tourism destinations. Routledge. Perles Ribes, J. F. (2013). Economic cycles, asymmetric crises and tourism competitiveness: emerging versus mature destinations. Pons, P. O. (2016). Cultures of mass tourism: Doing the Mediterranean in the age of banal mobilities. Routledge. Semeoshenkova, V. . (2015). Overview of erosion and beach quality issues in three Southern European countries: Portugal, Spain and Italy. cean Coastal Management , 12-21. Sharpley, R. (2015). Tourism and development. Sage Publications. Tribe, J. (2015). The economics of recreation, leisure and tourism. . Routledge. (2017). Travel and Tourism Index. Retrieved from
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Markstrat Final Management Report Essay Example
Markstrat Final Management Report Paper In Sonnet market was to create sustainable profit to scuffs sustainable growth with high margins, market share and enough budgets for Votive Entry. In order to achieve our objective, inspired by focusing on competition and Consumer focus, our strategy was to differentiate our brand upgrade our products based on our target segments? needs. To achieve our objective, although we had a new market Votive where there was a huge opportunity of being a market leader by spending considerable amount of budget, we allocated some of our reserves to Sonnet market as It was a such bigger market compared to Votive. Mainly, we focused on customer expectations. From conjoint analysis and semantic scales marketing research data, we analyzed the customer perceptions, ideal levels for product attributes, product features and modified our existing products or developed new products. We tried to be the product leader by offering the best product to each segment targeted. We targeted SAM for Others, ASANA for Singles, SAIL Tort Pros Ana HI Earners Ana or outs. Meanwhile we 010 cost reaction projects for all brands to use cost advantage and sell with higher margins. We set the price mostly again based on customer perceptions and tried to lower the price or keep price increase at feasible levels. Based on the distribution panel surveys, we allocated the sales force to sales channels according to the shopping habits of segments and total sales figures. We will write a custom essay sample on Markstrat Final Management Report specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Markstrat Final Management Report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Markstrat Final Management Report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer First we decided on the total number of the sales force to be allocated to brands and then by weighted average, we divided them in between the distribution channels as shown on Appendix 2. We also continued to invest our budget on advertisement in Sonnies, by not ignoring our penetration tragedy with heavily advertisement and sales force for the new market Votive. In our initial management report as our Votive market strategy, we stated that our main objective was to be the market leader by being Pioneer comparing our RD budgets with our competitors. But firm with the highest budget and targeting lowest product features entered market in the 13th period. Because of our budget constraint and better product improvement target we were late but we did not give up. With other two firms we decided to use the advantages of being ? such as rather than being replacement or substitute or the pioneer, we choose to position ourselves as variety enhancers with different product features. Based on market researches, we defined the needs of the targeted customer segment and we tried to improve our product according to defined segment requirements. In our initial management report, we stated our strategies according to be the Pioneer in Votive market. Our stated objective was to become the market leader in the Votive market and benefit from higher margins. Committing our above stated objective, we adapted some of our strategies being an ? Follower?C,-1?0 as firm became Pioneer in the Votive market. Making a leapfrog action with our positioning strategy, we mostly targeted optimal cost and relatively high product features instead of imitating pioneer? VODKA. We determined positioning of our brands with and earning from our competitor mistakes. As market researches shown ? and had the highest relative importance for most of the customer segments, we tried to focus on those attributes with the right consumer segments; AVIVA for Adaptors?C,-1?0 and ? and VAST for and By the end of period 6, the leader of the Votive market which is Firm E is overcome by drowsiness therefore we went up to second place with our increasing net contribution, we had seen that our implementation of our strategies succeeded. Continuing to analyze the steps of our competitors what they can do, incorrectly analyzing our company opportunities how we can increase our sales, to increase our net contribution we tried to increase our market penetration. Based on our past experiences we were aware that to increase sales our competitors would decrease the retail prices. We were ready for these scenarios; we invested on cost reduction in period 7 in order to be able to decrease our retail prices and not to decrease our profit margin. Competing in overcrowded market, prospects for profits and growth reduced. As a result of this decrease at period 4, increased competition of price turn the water bloody (? Ocean?C,-1?0 as Chain Kim and Renee Unbroken); with all of our competitors we had the same budget (at that period we were in 4th range). It was an excellent opportunity for us. With the same budget capabilities we got the chance to use same amount of RD, Sales and Advertisement opportunities in total. We focused on RD for Votive while it was our chance to get into a ocean?C,-1?0 of uncontested market to untainted competition. The most unexpected situation was to lose the chance of being Pioneer in Votive market. But this unexpected situation which seems negative at the beginning, turned out a positive taxation with the mistakes of firm They did not allocate enough budget for RD to enter first in the Votive market; they missed the importance of advertisement to create brand awareness and the product features in long term. With their low product features they did not believe in their product so they gave a rower II price exclusive AT null ease cost. Other unexpected case is related with the entering strategy of other early followers. Firm E entered the Votive market with a low cost low price strategy with a better product than O. Although we were expecting this move we did not think that such low price. Firm I is also entered Votive at the same with us but with a huge price that a market cannot ignore. This was the positive competitor move for us. With the higher profit margins comparing to Sonnies market, there were ample opportunity for growth in Votive market. With our strategy of simultaneous pursuit of differentiate our products and reduce our base costs with RD projects we decided to change our product features. But we failed to predict the production volumes precisely for some brands, SALE, AVIVA etc. Especially in the last periods; we missed the opportunity to sell more and the increase in our market share and margins.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Equality and the American Revolution essays
Equality and the American Revolution essays Equality is something Americans strive to provide and maintain... we always have. It has become a necessary part of our culture... even now to the point that when people think of America, they naturally think of freedom and equality. The foundations of this country have relied upon it, just as it was the created by the events in the laying of those foundations. J.R. Pole states in his book, The Pursuit of Equality in American History, that the American Revolution plays an extremely significant role in the history of equality in American society. "The American Revolution in all its aspects constituted an upheaval which was also a point of departure and reference for all subsequent definitions of equality; it was a major event in the ideology and rhetoric of world history." (Pole, 3) Pole suggests that the reason for the start of the American Revolution was an "outraged sense of equality." America was so offended by its mother country, England, that they put an unbelievable amount of emphasis on the very idea of equality; making it the "center of the nations public morality." (Pole, 38) When the revolution was over, the Bill of Rights and the Constitution the framework of this nation emphasized equality so greatly that it has now persuaded the rest of the world that America is, indeed, the so called, promised land; the land of freedom. "The men who led the colonial protest... had little idea that they were inaugurating an intellectual upheaval." (Pole, 132) Yet, by the time the Revolutionary War was done, America had a new identity and new egalitarian values. And this new equality "retained a remarkably central place as the moral imperative around which American thinking turned..." (Pole, 132) Equality had begun, however inadvertently, in the aftermath of the Revolutionary War. Pole states that during the time of the Revolutionary War, it would have been foolish to believe that any event, no matter ...
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
The Nemo Dat Rule Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The Nemo Dat Rule - Essay Example All in all, the main purpose of any purchase is to have the transfer of the given good from the seller to the buyer (Akseli 2000, p.21). In accordance to the case of Rohit Kulkarni v. Manor Credit (Davenham) Ltd, we get to see the application of the sales in goods act and the hire purchase Act. In the case, Manor credit sold a Mercedes car to Gwent via hire purchase terms. When Dr. Kulkarni approached Gwent, it sold to the doctor the car. Later on, when Gwent failed to pay as per the hire purchase agreement, Manor decides to repossess the car. The doctor is then left without a car and no refund (Crosling 2000, p.83). Therefore, Dr. Kulkarni takes Manor Credit to court to have refund of his money. A lot of decisions come in place in this case to decide who the rightful winner of the case is (Clarke 2005, p.63). In addition, there have been several cases like this that have been in court and different ruling made leaving many to argue if nemo dat rule is an efficient law to be us ed in the legal system. From the above case, Dr. Kulkarni wanted refund for the car which he had bought from Gwent, but according to the law, Gwent was not the sole owner of that property (Bar 2011, p.63). Since sale of property involves the transfer of commodity from one owner to the other, since Gwent did not have the rightful papers to prove they were the owners of the car, Dr. Kulkarni is left disadvantaged. In accordance to hire purchase act, the owner of the given commodity can repossess the commodity when the buyer has not paid nine tenths of the price agreed upon hire purchase (Clarke 2005, p.54). This law proves unfair in this case since an individual would have already paid money worth more than even the cash price of a given commodity and the owner repossess (Hoffman 2006, p.161). Though the hire purchase act, advocates for that, its innocent victims who would have lost their money and time buying that commodity. Such a law should either be abolished or changed so as not to belittle the innocent ones in the society. Since the owner of a given commodity is the one regarded as the one who has the rightful details to be the owner, take for instance in the above case, the owner is Manor credit (Connolly 2000, p.67). The nemo dat rule is also a good rule when view from the business point of view. Imagine the business person had invested his money in dealing in the hire purchase business and may be having debts and loans to repay, for a given customer to default payment indicate that the given business will be the verge of making laws. Hence by the ninth tenth rule applying is a way of making businesses not to enter into situations that they make loses (Gillies 2000, p. 78). It is hence disadvantageous to the customer who had the product since he or she would not be compensated by the business person (Luisa 2003, p.73). Such a law should be changed so that in the event that the owner repossesses his or her product, then the customer should have way of not coming out of the agreement worse than he or she entered. Such a law is only disadvantageous to the business people and disadvantageous to the customers. The given business person can be able to repossess and resell the given commodity and still get his or her money while the customer succumbs his or her loses (Howells 2006, p.45). In continuing to analyze the Nema dat rule, the doctor in the above case may have been favored by the ruling that stated that he might have been repaid if the commodity in question was
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Tracking Legislation in Northern Virginia (ie Fairfax, Arlington, Essay
Tracking Legislation in Northern Virginia (ie Fairfax, Arlington, Alexandria) (Issues Transportation, Immigration, Guns, Taxes) - Essay Example The bill also removes a subsection that makes offenses in the rest of the section secondary offenses. This bill simply means that Virginia drivers ages 15, 16 and 17 will not be able to talk, send text, messages or snap photos with a phone while driving on Virginia roads. This ban, designed to reduce accidents, also will apply to hands-free devices but will allow teens to use a phone during an emergency. This HB 942 affects me and all the young road drivers who pass by the highways and roads of the State of Virginia. The bill puts a limit on the number of passengers one can bring with and it also institutes a driving clinic for errant young drivers. The first major provision of the bill states that "whenever the driving record of a person less than 19 years old shows that he has been convicted of committing, when he was less than 18 years old, (i) an offense for which demerit points have been assessed or are assessable under Article 19 ( 46.2-489 et seq.) of this chapter or (ii) a violation of any provision of Article 12 ( 46.2-1091 et seq.) or Article 13 ( 46.2-1095 et seq.) of Chapter 10 of this title, the Commissioner shall direct such person to attend a driver improvement clinic." The second major provision states that "If any person less than 19 years old is convicted a second time of committing, when he was less than 18 years old, (i) an offense for which demerit points have b een assessed or are assessable under Article 19 ( 46.2-489 et seq.) of this chapter or (ii) a violation of any provision of Article 12 ( 46.2-1091 et seq.) or Article 13 ( 46.2-1095 et seq.) of Chapter 10 of this title, the Commissioner shall suspend such person's driver's license or privilege to operate a motor vehicle for 90 days. Such suspension shall be consecutive to, and not concurrent with, any other period of license suspension, revocation or denial. The initial license issued to any person younger than 18 years of age shall be deemed a provisional driver's license. Until the holder is 18 years old, a provisional driver's license shall not authorize its holder to operate a motor vehicle with more than one passenger The general public is helped positively by this new bill since it reinforces the importance of road safety among Virginia' young drivers. The bill has a negative impact on young drivers since they have to forego the convenience of using wireless devices while driving. However, if one takes the importance of road safety at heart, the young people also benefit in terms of lives saved and the preservation of private property arising from damage due to potential road accidents. The main goal of a traffic safety program is dedicated to saving lives and reducing injuries by preventing traffic crashes in Virginia. The aim is the maximum protection of the driving public. The success of these efforts is seen in the number of lives saved and the injuries prevented. Traffic fatalities were identified as the leading cause of death, especially for young people between the ages of four and 34. The "years of life lost" as a result of these terrible events make their social costs particularly high. Many of these tragic losses of lives could have been prevented with better traffic safety bills. Virginia Governor Timothy M. Kaine wants more traffic safety bills in order to reduce accidents and injuries due to erring drivers. Traffic safety is an important issue since Virginia had suffered from many traffic accidents which had resulted in the loss of many lives. For instance, Virginia's 2004 rate of 1.17 fatalities per 100 million vehicle-miles of travel was lower than the national average of 1.44 per 100
Monday, January 27, 2020
Advantages Of Organisational Change Commerce Essay
Advantages Of Organisational Change Commerce Essay The crux of this report is a discussion on organization change and whether the changes are good or it does damages that are not reparable. Firstly, organisational change is an essential part of todays globalised work life. In moderns economy, teams and organisations face rapid change like never before. Globalisation has not only boosted the markets and opportunities for more development and profit, it also provides opportunities for organisational members to process. However, in general, change processes make demands on both employees and management, regardless of the content of the change process. Facing of the tide of globalisation, one of the dominant disputes that human resource professionals face is what method to improve organisational competitive advantage in the hastily changing environment. Organisational change come about multiple reasons, it is undertaken to ameliorate the accomplishment of that particular organization or a portion of the organization, for instance, a proc ess or team. For organisations to be able to prosper, it is essential for them to go through an important alteration at different sections during their growth. Significant organisational change occurs when the overall strategy of an organisation changes, for instance, in order to achieve appropriate outcomes, accumulation or take away a big portion or usual procedure, and/or desire to alter the nature on how it works. Organisational change can bring about pros and cons. Advantages of Organisational Change Change can assist a business to keep up with industry trends, making it more appealing to promising consumers as well as maintaining present consumers. For instance, one way to make sure that a business does not fall behind when an opponent established and markets a successful new product is by establishing and advertising a related product of its own. In the process of organization change, employees will be able to acquire new skills, seek new opportunities and exercise their creativity in ways that eventually favors the organization through extra ideas and increased commitment. Knowledge transfer takes place during the process when people have idiosyncratic information that is valuable to other people, and thus learning takes place during the change. In addition, the capability to clasp change can assist employees in a business by developing new opportunities. For instance, a worker who actively applies himself/ herself to learning the new office technology can also train others who are more uncertain. This leadership role has caused the employee to position himself/ herself as a person who has the ability to guide others and is capable of assuming extra responsibilities, making her a credible candidate for approaching promotion. Furthermore, businesses that are capable at handling or even embracing change can promote an environment that stimulates innovation. Employees will be more willing to think in a more creative manner if their ideas are acknowledge by a manager or the business owner. By stimulating employees to think in a more creative manner will enable a business grow in long run. Either a good product or a marketing idea will enables a small business to achieve it success. Finally, an erudite or personnel change in an organization can result in employee attitudes and morale being positive. When there is a change in human resources philosophy, it enables a much relaxed work ambience, for instance, dress down day on Friday; this kind of idea will definitely make the employees overjoyed. When an inflexible manager is substitute with one who always listens to employees ideas and feedbacks, employees will feel that their efforts are acknowledged and that they will give in their best regarding their job functions. Disadvantages of Organisational Change When major change takes place, the impact of transformation of an organisation can be effective and may frequently create complicated challenges. Change can present a risk and certain level of danger. The end results can be very costly and sometimes beyond recovery in terms of time, money, human resources, or equipments. It is known that human nature oppose change, especially if it is perceived to influence ones lives adversely. When an organsation is undergoing organisational change, such as: re-structuring, or merging, it will result in employees going through the feelings of tension, stress, and uncertainty, which results in the impact on employees productivity output, achievement, and engagements toward the organisation (Ashford, et. al., 1989). In other words, the aftermath can be out of discipline. The norm prefers foreseeable future but change disrupts it, which cause confusion and potentially an erosion of assurance. An employee lose confident and their ideas are not supported and acknowledge by the higher management may increase the stress of the employees and this might lead to staff not performing well in their daily work routine. Secondly, during organisational change, staff members might experience loss of attachment. Most of the time, change requires working with new members, such as a new leader, or a new team. Gradually, employees will feel attached and develop a sense of faithfulness to their colleagues. Having to break up this faithfulness, can often be pressurised and make people anxious. Employees feel that the environment is doubtful, low tolerance of ambiguity, less freedom and ideal time for work, thus they will are unwilling to take risk, and therefore becoming less motivated and committed to making contributions. Thirdly, organisational changes might lead to staffs having low morale. When the staffs opposed a change that is taking place in the workplace, they become less confident and felt hopeless about their professional future with the organisation. This is specifically so when there is a deficiency of communication within the organisation regarding the change. Lowered morale can disperse throughout the whole company, which will result in issues with both recruiting and retention of the workers. Lastly, organisation change may result in less efficiency in employees. This is due to the employees spending much time focusing on withstanding the changes taking place in the organisation, which will results them becoming less attentive in their daily work routine which is affiliate with their jobs. Being less attentive in their work will reduce the level of adeptness and achievement among staff; this can influence the organisations fundamental. In reality, a decreased level of adeptness is the main reason why there is an organisation change, as changes are frequently build to reform a more cogent and productive company. Conclusion Change within an organisation will enable some type of improvement within an organisation. Even though the main intention is to bring out positive effects, but these changes frequently brought about some affection and sensation to those who are affected indirectly and directly. Although change may be a certain portion of handling profession, it is often not welcomed by employees, leaders or owners of the business. Employees are afraid to leave their comfort zone or they are afraid that they are not able to adapt to a different situation. Changes can affect a business success in long run and have a positive impact on it, while on the other hand a change that is short term can be agonizing. In addition, change cannot be avoided. Some types of changes that will tend to affect employees such as reducing bonus, reducing monthly salary or even take away their benefits. All this changes might result in employees being devastated, especially to those who are the sole breadwinner. It is a challenge for organisations to make adeptness and betterment within its anatomy, while at the same time managing employees self-esteem and support for the organization and its responsibility. In conclusion, if changes are made, especially large-scale reorganisations, it is essential to communicate and associate all of the employees to the extent in which it can ensure a successful development.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Task Duration in the Construction and Engineer Industry
I will be comparing the Services Industry abilities in project planning to that of the Construction and Engineering field. The services industry falls short of CE (Construction and Engineering) in many ways and there is a lot of room for improvement. However, the two industries are very different in nature. Construction and Engineering has a long history of project management focus. It was civil engineers and architects that pioneered project management long ago in the early1900’s (Pinto, 1995, p. 2 ). In the 1950’s, construction and engineering organizations really started to systematically apply project management tool and techniques. Henry Gantt was an engineer! From my experience, project managers in the SE industry are not trained especially for this role. Often we are in a functional role within the company and given a project to manage as extra responsibility. The SE industry is also a much more customer-focused business. It’s interesting to note that customer satisfaction runs high in the journal’s statistics, despite its low scores in other areas. James Harrington (2000) said, â€Å"Quality is meeting or exceeding customer expectations at a cost that represents value to them. †Project Managers in the SE industry will work harder to satisfy customers, allowing scope creep and the like in order to provide a better project in spite of time and cost delays. The following statistics summarize the journal article results for the CE and SE industry. SE cost and schedule overruns and organization support were the largest negative variances against CE. Project Planning Success in CE and SE Industry CESEBetter/(Worse) Cost Overrun (%)17%23%(35%) Schedule Overrun19%27%(42%) Performance8. 18. 32% Customer Satisfaction8. 18. 32% Organizational Support3. 83. 2(16%) In a recent study of 100 companies, only 37% of major SE projects were completed on time and only 42% were completed on budget (Gordon, 1999). I think the answers to improving cost and schedule overruns lie in improving the organizational support first. Mochal (2003 p. 3) said, culture plays a big role in how successful SE’s are in executing projects. SE’s typically have no formality or consistency in project management processes. Each time a new project comes up, the wheel is re-created. SE’s need a good, scalable project management process where teams are generally going to create and follow a work plan, and can use standard processes to effectively handle risk, scope change and issues. SE’s also need better governance. By this, I mean management needs to be more engaged and interested in projects. If management starts projects and leaves the project manager in a leadership vacuum, it’s hard to be consistently successful. Accuracy in time and resources are also important factors to successful project planning. They are however, not as critical as in the CE business. If a task is over duration in the SE industry, it’s not like a multi million-dollar crane is sitting idol. The cost repercussions are not as easily quantified. There should also be some leniency to this within the SE industry. Task duration in the CE industry is easier to plan for. Historical data is readily available on pouring concrete foundations, laying brickwork, etc. Within SE, the schedule may include a one-time task that the project manager has never performed before. Due to the complexity of the project the scope may not be wholly known making task duration even harder to calculate. While there is wide room for improvement in the delivery of time and cost estimates, the SE industry should continue to look and rely on its customer satisfaction rates. Projects should not be considered a success purely in terms of its timeliness. The Sydney Opera House was seen by most as a stupendous failure. It was a music hall with poor acoustics, stunningly over cost and behind schedule. Decades later, this same structure in a national treasure to Australians, its massive cost and schedule overruns long ago forgotten. References: Gordon Mochal, T (2003) Tools and Techniques, Workforce Management, (Online) Available from : http://articles. techrepublic. om/5100-10878_11-5035216. html (Accessed April 12, 2010) Pinto J (1995) Successful Project Managers, Leading Your Team to Success, Project Management Journal (Online) Available from: (accessed April 9, 2010)
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Only The Heart Novel Essay
Only The Heart is a very successful novel presented by many â€Å"narrators†in both in the past and present. This novel portrays the hardships and â€Å"suffering†that a Vietnamese family endures through the years of approaching communism. Their desperate flee from the only home they have ever known and the loved ones that they may never see again, all in search of a place where there is freedom and â€Å"hope†. Only The Heat is a story that focuses on the Vo family’s â€Å"suffering†. The novel shows the hardships and struggles that a Vietnamese family endures through the years of approaching communism. It is also about their desperate flea from the only home they have ever known and the loved ones that they may never see again, all in search of a place where freedom and â€Å"hope†were to be found. The novel itself is a simply told yet moving story of the Vo family, who come to Australia as refugees in search of â€Å"hope†, as a result of the â€Å"suffering†in The Vietnam War. Many members of the family in turn become â€Å"narrators†and perhaps because of the unfamiliarity of the names, readers must looking back to the family tree, at the front of the book, while the reading of the first few chapters. This novel portrays the hardships, struggles and â€Å"suffering†that a Vietnamese family endures through the years of approaching communism. Even after arriving in the lucky country Australia there is still â€Å"suffering†, caused by Hai Nguyen’s vicious gang. There are many â€Å"narrators†in the novel but the two main persons through whom the story of is told is Toan, the youngest son and Linh, Toon’s cousin and adopted sister (after her mother Mai sacrificed her life for her). The last person creates a real overview of what has happened and the deepest thoughts and feelings of these two people, as they escape their country as refugees to Malaysia and then Australia. As you can see Only the Heart, is a successful novel composed by Brian Caswell and David Phu An Chiem, about the suffering the Vo family had to endure in the search of â€Å"hope†. With a terrifying side to life which is beyond even the vast imagination of the many Australians. The novel emphases how lucky we are to live in a country where things such as freedom, opinions and safety, (these are things taken for granted) are considered a right.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Catcher and the Rye / Huckleberry Finn Essay - 1251 Words
The American Webster’s dictionary defines innocence as, â€Å"Freedom from harmfulness; inoffensiveness.†Although this definition is the one which is most commonly used, many authors tend to twist or stretch the meaning in order to fit the material to which it applies. For example, the way J.D Salinger applies innocence to his work is quite different from the way Mark Twain uses innocence. Innocence also changes accordingly with the time period. The definition of innocence is dynamic with respect to author and time period, as illustrated in The Catcher in the Rye, by J.D Salinger and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain. Throughout history the concept of innocence in literature has been a topic in which author’s have held an†¦show more content†¦(Bloom 7) Salinger’s definition is apparent when looking at the novel The Catcher in the Rye with an analytical eye, because everyone who is capable of loving is either a child or an adult who is influenced by a child. In turn, the adults who are incapable of loving are defined by Holden Caulfield, the protagonist in The Catcher in the Rye, as phonies or prostitutes. (Bloom 7) Holden mentions in the novel the following, â€Å"Its Funny. You take adults, they look lousy when their asleep and they have their mouths way open, but kids don’t. Kids look all right.†(Salinger 159) This quote is a clear example of a stronger appreciation for the youth as opposed to the adults. After a comparison, Mark Twain’s definition of innocence is quite different. Twain defines innocence as the naà ¯ve mindset of children. His defini tion consists of a belief that because children don’t know, or understand something, they can’t question its validity and form opinions against it. Huck Finn’s spelling of â€Å"sivilization†is a pure example of this. Huck’s views and opinions towards civilization are shown through his spelling. He is naà ¯ve to what civilization really is, therefore he can not form an opinion against it. (Bloom 12) Twain’s use of innocence is merely symbolism. He uses a misspelled word to emphasize the ignorance of children; but, however ignorant they may be, their reason for being so is their innocence. A comparison of J.D Salinger’s works and those of Mark Twain,Show MoreRelatedReview Of The Catcher Rye And Huckleberry Finn 1497 Words  | 6 PagesEnglish Combined Coursework: Comparative Essay The theme of rejection is highly predominant in both The Catcher in the Rye and Huckleberry Finn. Both plotlines constantly intertwine with the concept of dismissal from peers, family and society. Despite being set in eras nearing a century apart; these novels perfectly encapsulate conflicts within their cultures. Huckleberry Finn is set in the 1840’s – a time when slavery was still yet to be abolished in America’s southern states. Throughout theRead MoreEnglish, Analytical Essay, Catcher in the Rye and Huckleberry Finn1507 Words  | 7 PagesHuckleberry Finn and The Catcher in the Rye essay The novels ‘The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn’ and ‘The Catcher in the Rye’ are both set in times where the expectations of society differed from the ones of today. Huckleberry Finn is set in the late 1800s, pre USA civil war and in a time where slavery was an accepted occurrence and the escape of a slave was seen as legally and morally wrong. This was also a time in which church attendance and education were seen as tokens of respectability. ARead MoreThe Search for Self in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and the Catcher in the Rye1982 Words  | 8 PagesAdventures of Huckleberry Finn and Catcher in the Rye Everyone wants to know who they are, and why they were put here. People often wonder about their futures and what kind of person they really are. 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