Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Einsteins Theory of Relativity Essay - 3227 Words
Motion and time are fundamental components of life. Finding himself late to work, an employee will drive faster, which in turn, will reduce the time needed to commute to his job. The rules of motion and time are known intrinsically to every person on the planet. As children, these â€Å"Laws†become common sense. No explanation is needed when a sleeping student falls out of his desk onto the floor. Motion and time were always considered to be self-explanatory and obvious parts of everyday life. This was true until a group of scientists who deemed themselves â€Å"Physicists†began challenging the known rules of motion and explaining them using mathematics and experimentation. Isaac Newton was one of these founding fathers of†¦show more content†¦Einstein was born March 14, 1879 to Jewish parents living in Ulm Germany. His father was a feather bed salesman and his mother was an heiress to a fortune from her father’s side. He was a shy child who disliked authority and the acceptance of conventional ideas. His rejection of the widely accepted is most likely what drove him to peer into the physical world that so many had overlooked. His first observation of a magnetic compass which was given to him by his father spurred his curiosity in the physical sciences and its mysterious forces. He began studying math at age 12 and quickly found himself absorbed in study. He began studying Euclidean Plane Geometry and taught himself Calculus. He applied for admission to the Zurich Polytechnic Institute in Switzerland in 1984 which involved taking a tough entrance exam (Wikipedia, Albert Einstein 1). Though failing the French, chemistry and biology portion, he did so well on the math and physics portions that he convinced the principle of the school to admit him the following year at the age of 16 (Kaku 40). He met his love, Mileva Mirac, and graduated from the university. Upon graduation, Einstein could not find work as an instructor because he had irritated many staff members with his disregard for authority. He began work at the Swiss Patent Office in 1902, where he had time to ponderShow MoreRelatedEinstein’s Theory of General Relativity800 Words  | 4 PagesEinstein’s Theory of General Relativity originally came to him in 1907 while he was sitting in a chair in the patent office in Bern. Lost in thought, he began wondering what it would be like to drop a ball while falling off the side of a building (James Overdunn, Stanford Edu) Granting all this, he realized that the person who was falling would not be able to detect the effect of gravity on the ball whereas an observer could. 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